The Effectiveness of Cadena De Amor (Antigonon Leptopus) Fresh Leaf Extract as Hypoglycemic and Diuretic on Guinea Pigs (Cavia Porcellus) /

Acosta, Rochelle R., et al.

The Effectiveness of Cadena De Amor (Antigonon Leptopus) Fresh Leaf Extract as Hypoglycemic and Diuretic on Guinea Pigs (Cavia Porcellus) / Rochelle R. Acosta, Juvelyn T. Dadoy, Jobelle R. Guzman and Madeleine A. Reyes - October 2007 - xii, 75 leaves. 28 cm.

Thesis/Dissertation (BS Pharmacy) - Mariano Marcos State University

ABSTRACT ACOSTA, ROCHELLE R., DADOY, JUVELYN T., GUZMAN, JOBELLE R., REYES, MADELEINE A. Undergraduate Thesis. Mariano Marcos State University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, Batac City 2906 Ilocos Norte, October 2007. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CADENA DE AMOR (ANTIGONON LEPTOPUS) FRESH LEAF EXTRACT AS HYPOGLYCEMIC AND DIURETIC ON GUINEA PIGS (CAVIA PORCELLUS). 75 pp Thesis Adviser: mr. Rhian Jaymar D. Ramil. A pharmacologic assay was conducted to ascertain authoritatively the hypoglycemic and diuretic effect of the Cadena de Amor (Antigonon leptopus) fresh leaf extract (CAFLE) on guineas pigs and to determine the phytochemicals present in the fresh leaf extract. Phytochemical screening using Liebermann - Burchard test conferred the presence of saponins and was confirmed through froth, capillary and hemolytic test. Hypoglycemic effect of CAFLE was tested on 12 guinea pigs are randomly divided into four groups. The following groups were distilled water for negative control, Gliclazide (Diamicron) as the positive control and crude extract was further divided into another two (1ml and 1.5 ml) wherein there were 3 guinea pigs in every group respectively. diuretic effect of CAFLE was also tested on 12 guinea pigs which are randomly divided into four groups. Determination of effective dose that will manifest the diuretic effect of the plant was done through the administration of different volume of doses - (1ml and 1.5 ml) ; Furosemide (Loop Diuretics) served as the positive control and distilled water for negative control. The parameter that was measured from the experimental animals was understatement : Electrolyte excretion; sodium (NA+) , Potassium (K+), and urine volume. It was concluded that the 1.5 ml dose of CAFLE had no significant difference compared to the positive control in terms of hypoglycemic activity and sodium and urine excretion. CAFLE elicits a lesser K+ excretion compare to the positive control. However, CAFLE is highly effective compared to the negative control.

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