Temporal variability of abundance, morphological, and reproductive traits of the invasive Arctodiaptomus dorsalis (Marsh 1907) (Copepoda: Calanoida: Diaptomidae) in relation to the reduction of aquaculture in Lake Taal (2008 & 2013) / Justine R. de Leon, Henberson G. de Vera, Ervin Justin A. Giron, Hazel Joyce A. Guerrero, Sophie Chambord, Anissa Souissi, Sami Souissi, and Rey Donne S. Papa. - Manila: Department of Science and Technology 2016 - Philippine Journal of Science Vol. 145 No. 1 March 2016, pages 37- 47 .


Eutrophication, Limnetic zooplankton, Morphometrics, Non-indigenous zooplankton, Tropical Caldera Lake