TY - BOOK AU - Adolfo, Karla Mei T., et al. TI - Diuretic Effects of Pigweed (Amaranthus Spinosus) Crude Root Extract CY - October 2007 N1 - Theses/Dissertation (BS Pharmacy) - Mariano Marcos State University N2 - ABSTRACT; ADOLFO, KARLA MEI T., DABALOS, CLEMENCE EVA A., PAMBID, JENNY ROSE R., SUGUITAN, JENNIFER C. Undergraduate Thesis. Mariano Marcos State University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacy, Batac 2906 Ilocso Norte, October 2007. DIURETIC EFFECTS OF PIGWEED (Amaranthus spinosus) CRUDE ROOT EXTRACT. 59 pp Thesis Adviser: Ms. Kristian Gay Y. Dutdut This study investigated the diuretic effect of Pigweed (Amaranthus spinosus) crude root extract on guinea pigs and to determine the constituents present in the root extract. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of saponins through Liebermann - Buchard test and was confirmed through Froth and Capillary tests. Other traces of constituents such as, Cardenolides and Buffadienolides, Tannins and Polyphenolic compounds, as well as volatile oils, were also observed in the plant sample. Determination of effective concentration that will give a diuretic effect of the crude root extract was done through the administration of different concentrations (35%, 65% and 100%). 65% was the best concentration that exhibits diuretic activity and was used to compare its effect to the positive control, Furosemide and Distilled water for the negative control. Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+) and Chloride (Cl-) and the volume of urine (mL), were used as the parameters in the electrolyte excretion determination. A significant diuretic effect using the urine volume and sodium excretion as parameters, were evident in the guinea pigs treated with the crude root extract. On the other hand, the effects of the three treatments have no significant differences in terms of potassium excretion. Domination of the positive control is evident in the chloride excretion over the root extract and the negative control. ER -